Navigating and averting negligence in slip and fall personal injury claims

Insurance companies pay out billions of dollars annually to settle unsubstantiated slip and fall claims. Find out how property owners and their insurers can best minimize their risk in this special report.

Insurance companies pay out billions of dollars annually to settle unsubstantiated slip and fall claims. Find out how property owners and their insurers can best minimize their risk in this special report.

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Navigating and averting negligence in slip and fall personal injury claims
Navigating and averting negligence in slip and fall personal injury claims
Meet the panelists
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Insurance companies pay out billions of dollars annually to settle unsubstantiated slip and fall claims. Find out how property owners and their insurers can best minimize their risk in this special report.

Download this PDF to find out:

  • How does the law define property or business owner negligence in slip and fall lawsuits?
  • Why are 95% of personal injury cases settled pretrial?
  • What steps can property owners and insurers take to protect themselves from unsubstantiated slip and fall lawsuits?
“In most cases, the actual costs of medical bills and lost wages are fairly small, but people want payback — and juries often side with the ‘little guy’ over a company with a lot of resources. At the heart of many cases, even the ones that get settled out of court, is whether the property could have been safer.” - Attorney Michael Karatov, Multifamily Property Management Law Expert

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