Customer Story

GoldOller Takes Quarterly Inspections to New Heights with Superlative Quality Assurance

increase in quarterly inspection scores
2-3 day
decrease in time required to complete quarterly Inspection process
720 hrs
saved annually in senior management time to reporting
increase in quarterly inspection scores
2-3 day
decrease in time required to complete quarterly Inspection process
720 hrs
saved annually in senior management time to reporting
Unit Count
40K Units
Philadelphia, PA

Success Metrics


increases in damage charges recovered


reduction in reported resident disputes with properties

2-3 days

faster unit turns with faster approval for repair and replace


increase in quarterly inspection scores

2-3 days

decrease in time required to complete quarterly Inspection process

720 hours

saved annually in senior management time to reporting

Unit Count
40K Units
Philadelphia, PA

Key Benefits

Decreased turn costs with better communication between onsite staff
Quick user adoption, rollout and simplified change management
Standardized inspection data providing a rich due diligence history
Higher compliance reduces liability risk
A checkmark icon inside a purple circle
A checkmark icon inside a purple circle

The Property Management Company

Founded in 2004, GoldOller Real Estate Investments is an innovative multifamily owner/operator with 32 properties across 17 states in the Midwest, Northeast, and Southeast. Beyond managing a growing portfolio of almost 40,000 units including approximately 16,000 owned and operated units, GoldOller’s capabilities also include acquisitions, large scale principal investments and development.

The Challenge

GoldOller faced significant operational challenges due to outdated inspection processes and reliance on inefficient paper-based systems. This not only wasted time but also limited visibility into property conditions, resulting in frequently missed inspections and performance metrics stuck in the mid-80% range.

  • Excessive time demands on staff and management led to overlooked amenities during inspections.
  • Both paper and digital systems failed to effectively accommodate variances across properties.
  • Non-standardized inspections contributed to resident disputes and financial discrepancies due to inadequate data management.

The Solution

HappyCo's inspection app provided GoldOller with a solution to revamp their outdated inspection processes. By streamlining and standardizing inspections, the solution not only sped up the process but also improved the accuracy and accessibility of inspection data, enhancing communication and transparency across operations.

  • Accelerated data collection and introduced standardized, timestamped photo documentation for visibility.
  • Flexible forms that could be tailored to meet the specific needs of different units and properties.
  • Real-time dashboards and cloud access improved data visibility and ensured transparency between properties.
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How HappyCo Helped

Philadelphia-based GoldOller Real Estate Investments manages a portfolio of nearly 40,000 units across 17 states from New York to Florida to Texas, including over 16,000 owned and operated. GoldOller turned to HappyCo to perfect quarterly inspections — saving staff time and improving data quality while boosting property performance scores an average of 10%. By automating the previously manual process of scoring and compiling quarterly reports, HappyCo saves GoldOller 720 hours in senior management time annually and 2 to 3 days per quarterly inspection for maintenance staff. Since rolling out HappyCo’s platform, GoldOller has also documented an exponential 17% to 340% increase in move-out charges and sped up unit turn time by 2 to 3 days.

GoldOller Replaces Manual Quarterly Inspection Workflow with HappyCo

GoldOller’s (GO) approach to property operations involves more than maintaining apartment communities and collecting rent. “We don’t just sell an apartment to a resident,” Senior Regional Manager, Leisl Spurlin emphasized. “We sell a lifestyle by creating a customer-centric experience — whether through our resident programming, like regularly scheduled GOfit fitness classes, or by keeping our amenities consistently functioning and beautiful.”

That’s why the company’s quarterly property inspections (quarterlies), which benchmark property conditions and include comprehensive file audits, are core to preserving operational excellence and a consistent quality experience across the portfolio. “The quarterly inspection is a comprehensive report covering every area of a community,” explained Regional Maintenance Director, El Strikovic. “From the amenities and grounds, to building exteriors and exterior lighting, to all our model, vacant and occupied units, the clubhouse and more, our regional managers walk the property with the onsite managers and carefully note necessary fixes.” The purpose of GO’s quarterlies extends from quality to safety.

That’s why the company’s quarterly property inspections (quarterlies), which benchmark property conditions and include comprehensive file audits, are core to preserving operational excellence and a consistent quality experience across the portfolio. “The quarterly inspection is a comprehensive report covering every area of a community,” explained Regional Maintenance Director, El Strikovic. “From the amenities and grounds, to building exteriors and exterior lighting, to all our model, vacant and occupied units, the clubhouse and more, our regional managers walk the property with the onsite managers and carefully note necessary fixes.” The purpose of GO’s quarterlies extends from quality to safety.

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"We have extremely high confidence in the property-level inspection data we're seeing on HappyCo. Paper forms simply make it impossible to manage and audit your operations remotely. With HappyCo we no longer have that problem. That means happier staff, more satisfied residents, and just better business."

Leisl Spurlin,

Senior Regional Manager


"We have extremely high confidence in the property-level inspection data we're seeing on HappyCo. Paper forms simply make it impossible to manage and audit your operations remotely. With HappyCo we no longer have that problem. That means happier staff, more satisfied residents, and just better business."

Leisl Spurlin,

Senior Regional Manager


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“We also perform weekly inspections for items that require more frequent oversight like outdoor lighting checks and roadways,” said Chris Shelton, Service Manager at The Club at Town Center in Jacksonville. “This keeps our residents safe and allows us to provide documented proof of our diligence in maintaining our properties should we need records for a lawsuit.”

Before moving to HappyCo, the breadth and depth of quarterlies — critical for upholding standards — made conducting them and reporting on them time costly for property staff and senior management alike and often left insufficient time to inspect every area of the community. “We used pens and notepads to inspect, then manually transferred the data to a spreadsheet. It took a full extra day to put the report together after the inspection,” Spurlin said.

The quality of the inspection data between properties often varied, so it was difficult to standardize reporting across a region and the portfolio. “We knew we needed a better system that would help standardize the process across our thirty-plus properties. We were using a competing software product for Due Diligence, but that software didn’t give us the flexibility we needed to meet our requirements for quarterly inspections. HappyCo for us has improved all inspection processes, from quarterly to weekly to move-out, keeping them consistent across the board and available to all users.”

Mobile Inspections with Customizable Forms Generate Standardized Data and Save Time

For GoldOller, a key feature of the HappyCo platform is the ability to customize inspection forms via a self-service template editor to match properties varying in unit count and assorted amenities — including the flexibility to make adjustments based on geography and seasonality. “One of the best features of HappyCo is how we can customize each quarterly inspection by property. For example, now we can add a tennis court at one specific property but not another, or include two model units instead of one — and deploy our updated forms instantly,” said Spurlin. Onsite managers can further customize forms down to the unit level. “HappyCo provides all the unit details, like range and dishwasher in the kitchen, and I can tailor inspections explicitly for my property and each unit,” said Amber Marceau, Assistant Community Manager at The Club at Town Center.

Switching to HappyCo has standardized data collection, bringing more visibility to portfolio operations and keeping the whole company compliant with new initiatives and policies. The software has also introduced speed to the inspection and reporting workflows. “With HappyCo, we’ve dramatically improved our quarterly inspections and are saving our regional managers valuable time that can now be applied to strategic initiatives rather than manual tasks,” Spurlin said. “The old method for quarterlies took me an average of 3 hours to download the photos, transfer my inspection notes to Excel and score the inspections manually. Between 10 properties, HappyCo saves me 30 hours personally each quarter — 120 hours annually. So among 6 regions, GoldOller is saving around 720 hours of senior management time while producing a more professional end result.”

"We were using a competing software product for Due Diligence, but that software didn't give us the flexibility we needed to meet our requirements for quarterly inspections. HappyCo for us has improved all inspection processes, from quarterly to weekly to move-in to move-out, keeping them consistent across the board and available to all users."
Leisl Spurlin, Senior Regional Manager at GoldOller

Time saving has been realized by the entire team. “Before Inspections, quarterlies took us 3 to 4 days to cover a 500-unit property,” Strikovic said. “Now that we’re using the app, quarterlies only take one day per property and don’t require as many personnel. With our previous process, we needed two people to complete a walk. One took pictures and the other wrote everything down on different sheets of paper — affecting the quality of our reporting. When items weren’t properly documented or got missed during inspections, I’d sometimes have to re-walk up to 20 units which was incredibly time-consuming.”

Strikovic lamented that GO’s former practice was a drain on human resources. “By the time the regional office had finished compiling a report, we’d had 5 or 6 people working on the same thing. So not only were Quarterlies a long, tedious process, but our data exchanged too many hands, permitting important information to get misplaced along the way.” The whole endeavor has been simplified by HappyCo’s real-time automation. “I’m very happy with HappyCo. It has made a big difference compared to what we used before,” Strikovic said. “And because we’re tracking the age and condition of bigger budget items like water heaters, we can prepare for the whole year’s expenses in advance.”

increase in quarterly inspection scores
2-3 day
decrease in time required to complete quarterly Inspection process
720 hrs
saved annually in senior management time to reporting
increase in quarterly inspection scores
2-3 day
decrease in time required to complete quarterly Inspection process
720 hrs
saved annually in senior management time to reporting
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"Before Inspections, Quarterlies would take us 3 to 4 days to cover a 500-unit property. Now that we're using the app, it only takes us 1 day per property."

El Strikovic,

Regional Maintenance Director


"Before Inspections, Quarterlies would take us 3 to 4 days to cover a 500-unit property. Now that we're using the app, it only takes us 1 day per property."

El Strikovic,

Regional Maintenance Director


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Higher Property Scores and More Effective Financial Audits Result from Rise in Staff Attentiveness

GO’s quarterly inspections play a decisive role in determining quarterly bonuses for property staff — lending a workforce performance dimension to the process. 5% of property staff’s bonus each quarter is dependent on the property’s quarterly inspection score. An excellent score grants staff the entirety of the bonus, while deficient scores result in staff receiving a smaller percentage.

“We’ve seen at least a 10% increase in scores since adopting HappyCo — going from average score percentages in the mid-80s to now averaging in the mid 90s,” said Spurlin. “We’re now more confident our properties are being maintained at the highest levels of quality.”

"Among 6 regions, GoldOller is saving around 720 hours of senior management time while producing a more professional end result."

HappyCo also powers a high degree of transparency across the entire portfolio by automatically saving all inspection reports to a shared company Dropbox, making each property’s scores visible to all users. “Now that inspection scores for each property are known to every employee, there’s a new incentive to score high,” noted Spurlin.

Monitoring policy compliance in real time with HappyCo has helped GoldOller mitigate risk. “Our higher property scores are a meaningful indicator that we’ve improved safety and reduced company liability, because we’re more consistently checking all of our safety features and relevant property items to keep residents safe and minimize the risk of incidents,” Strikovic said. “We inspect playgrounds, smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, railings, windows and stairs — and document any issues in Inspections so they can be addressed before developing into serious hazards.” The new system is driving better preventative maintenance. “Once we document a problem in Inspections, it becomes a work order. It can’t slip through the cracks. We have to address it.”

"With HappyCo we're able to locate money more effectively through our concessions, deposit, insurance, and check delinquency audits than we were before.
Sharla Green, Property Manager at The Club at Town Center

GO has realized operational improvements in leasing offices as well. “With HappyCo, our office inspections drive extra revenue because the software promotes more extensive and accurate file audits,” said Sharla Green, Property Manager at The Club at Town Center. “We used to manage our office audits using OneSite, but HappyCo’s flexibility has streamlined the process by allowing us to join the financial audit to our quarterly Inspection.

“We’re now finding there are times a resident has signed up for our insurance but we haven’t actually followed through on charging that $10 each month. Or we may find we’d required an extra deposit but their payment didn’t go through so the deposit wasn’t paid in full at move in. With HappyCo we’re able to locate money more effectively through our concessions, deposit, insurance, and check delinquency audits than we were before.”

"We've seen at least a 10% increase in scores since last year — going from average score percentages in the mid-80s to now averaging in the mid 90s. We're now more confident our properties are being maintained at the highest levels of quality."
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increase in quarterly inspection scores
2-3 day
decrease in time required to complete quarterly Inspection process
720 hrs
saved annually in senior management time to reporting

Optimized Move-Outs Drive Down Disputes and Increase Damage Recoveries

Improved and instantly accessible move-out documentation on HappyCo has eased resident relations and markedly increased damage recoveries. “HappyCo has been life changing for me,” said Stephanie Robledo, Assistant Property Manager at Timberlake Apartments in Altamonte Springs, Florida. “We have 716 units, and it was a nightmare trying to keep up with all of the photos taken at move out and gather all necessary documentation for resident disputes. HappyCo has definitely made my job a lot easier and communication with former residents much more organized and direct.” After each move-out, staff email the former residents the inspection report complete with photos. “There’s really not much to dispute at that point,” said Robledo.

The effect of including HappyCo move-out reports in Final Account Statements (FASs) has been significant. “The numbers don’t lie. Since implementing HappyCo, resident disputes at Timberlake have dropped 82% from 11 in 2016 to just 2 in 2017. And we’ve increased damage charges collected by 17% — from $44,904 in 2016 to $52,653 in 2017.”

"We've improved safety and reduced company liability because we're more consistently checking all of our safety features and relevant property items to keep residents safe and minimize the risk of incidents."
El Strikovic, Regional Maintenance Director at GoldOller

The Club at Town Center has also achieved a sharp increase in recoveries one month after implementing HappyCo and has lessened the sting of charges to former residents. “Damage charges increased 340% to $11,000 this month from $2,000 to $3,000 before HappyCo,” Marceau remarked. “The new system helps with former customer relationships by backing up our charges, and really encourages the residents to trust our judgement because we can now show them visual proof. In the event of a dispute, our corporate team is able to remotely view our photos to decide if the charges stand or not. It’s almost like corporate is there walking the unit with us. The visibility we’re able to give the head office is amazing!”

The improved communication between Marceau and her staff has resulted in turn cost savings. “HappyCo really helps me and my service manager be on the same page about what we’re charging. We are now cleaning many more carpets at the cost of $100 per unit instead of replacing them at $600 per unit. I know our corporate team has been very proud of us matching our turn costs to previous resident charges. As an added bonus, HappyCo has sped up our turn time by at least 2 or 3 days — one reason being we can get repair and replace approved faster, so we can move residents in sooner.”

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"Damage charges increased 340% to $11,000 this month from $2,000 to $3,000 before HappyCo. The new system helps with former customer relationships by backing up our charges, and really encourages the residents to trust our judgement because we can now show them visual proof. In the event of a dispute, our corporate team is able to remotely view our photos to decide if the charges stand or not. It's almost like corporate is there walking the unit with us. The visibility we're able to give the head office is amazing!"

Amber Marceau,

Assistant Community Manager

The Club at Town Center

"Damage charges increased 340% to $11,000 this month from $2,000 to $3,000 before HappyCo. The new system helps with former customer relationships by backing up our charges, and really encourages the residents to trust our judgement because we can now show them visual proof. In the event of a dispute, our corporate team is able to remotely view our photos to decide if the charges stand or not. It's almost like corporate is there walking the unit with us. The visibility we're able to give the head office is amazing!"

Amber Marceau,

Assistant Community Manager

The Club at Town Center

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increase in quarterly inspection scores
2-3 day
decrease in time required to complete quarterly Inspection process
720 hrs
saved annually in senior management time to reporting

Simplified Rollout and User-Friendly Software Eases Change Management

The HappyCo platform’s usability translated into a smooth rollout, winning over employees who were initially resistant to changing methods. “I was skeptical in the beginning because change is hard,” said Robledo, “but HappyCo has made everything so much easier, organized, and more professional. I am a definite believer in HappyCo now.”

Training on the software is quick and under ten minutes for most property staff with HappyCo’s user-friendly interface. “Getting the property management staff to use HappyCo’s tools was pretty easy, as you really don’t need any training on Inspections,” said Spurlin. “It’s just tap and go. GoldOller buys every property a tablet, but when the property staff saw how easy Inspections was to use on their phones, most decided to just use their phones instead.” All of these factors contributed to a frictionless rollout across the portfolio. “It was so fast I hardly remember the implementation period.”

"The HappyCo app has helped me a lot with my turns because I’m not very tech savvy. It pinpoints issues specific to each room so I can now sit in my office, review the inspection and see all the important details, like how many blinds I need to replace."
Chris Shelton, Service Manager at The Club at Town Center
increase in quarterly inspection scores
2-3 day
decrease in time required to complete quarterly Inspection process
720 hrs
saved annually in senior management time to reporting
increase in quarterly inspection scores
2-3 day
decrease in time required to complete quarterly Inspection process
720 hrs
saved annually in senior management time to reporting
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"The HappyCo app has helped me a lot with my turns because I'm not very tech savvy. It pinpoints issues specific to each room so I can now sit in my office, review the inspection and see all the important details, like how many blinds I need to replace."

Chris Shelton,

Service Manager

The Club at Town Center

"The HappyCo app has helped me a lot with my turns because I'm not very tech savvy. It pinpoints issues specific to each room so I can now sit in my office, review the inspection and see all the important details, like how many blinds I need to replace."

Chris Shelton,

Service Manager

The Club at Town Center

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On-the-ground staff appreciate how the mobile app’s approachability has reduced pain in property operations — even when they’re unfamiliar with most property management technology. “The HappyCo app has helped me a lot with my turns because I’m not very tech savvy. It pinpoints issues specific to each room so I can now sit in my office, review the inspection and see all the important details, like how many blinds I need to replace. HappyCo cuts down on time I spend in the shop because it lets us grab all the supplies we need to knock out turn in one go instead of having to make multiple maintenance trips. Plus, now I can instantly email reports to anybody who needs the information.”

Management now has visibility into operations across all properties in real time, producing decisive outcomes that weren’t possible on GO’s old system. “We have extremely high confidence in the property-level inspection data we’re seeing on HappyCo,” Spurlin said. “Paper forms simply make it impossible to manage and audit your operations remotely. With HappyCo we no longer have that problem. That means happier staff, more satisfied residents, and just better business.”

"I was skeptical in the beginning because change is hard, but HappyCo has made everything so much easier, organized, and more professional. I am a definite believer in HappyCo now."
Stephanie Robledo, Assistant Property Manager at Timberlake Apartments

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Please note that positions and personnel mentioned in our customer stories may change over time as individuals transition within or leave the company.